Ms. Clark and Ms. Johnson in Vegas

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Ms. Clark and Ms. Johnson in VegasIt was our last full day in Vegas, the teachers conference was really informative, and I did a lot of networking. Bonnie, (Ms. Johnson) and I, attended a seminar the last morning, I noticed that Bonnie was sitting quite close to a teacher from a district 150 miles from where we teach. The seminar was about “dynamic classrooms” and the teacher giving the presentation wasn’t half bad looking. After the seminar ended Bonnie came to me with her teacher friend in tow and asked if I wanted to go with them to see Hoover Dam, well I hadn’t ever seen it, other than pictures and how often do I get to Vegas? “Why of course!” I said.Bonnie introduced me to her friend “Cindy, this is Bill, Bill Cindy” Bill asked me would I mind if he invited Stan to go along too. I asked “Stan, Who?” It was then that the lecturer strolled up and introduced his self “Hello, I am Stan Mathews from Illinois,I teach at ******* High School, And you are?” “I am Cindy Clark from Iowa, I teach at ****** High School”Bonnie then introduced herself to Stan, with a hug and kiss. I did notice that he copped a feel of her generous breasts. I am Bonnie Johnson, I also teach at ****** High School, Pleased to meet you.” After all the intros were made Bill asked Stan if he would like to accompany the 3 of us to see Hoover Dam, and the Tillman Bridge. “Sure”, was his reply. We went to the dam and had the tour and heard about a hundred “Dam” jokes. Then we drove over the Tillman, to Arizona, then turned around and drove back towards Vegas, as we were driving past signs for lake Mead Bill said “How about we go swimming? Its a very hot day (106) Bonnie and I almost at same time, said “we didn’t have any suits” “So” says Bill “We can just skinny dip!” Even as Bonnie and I were considering it Bill was turning into an access road to the lake. He found a place away from most everybody it turned out to be a little cove and we would be hidden except for the direct line to the lake.Almost as soon as the car stopped the guys jumped out and almost in a dead run stripped and dove into the water Bonnie and I hesitated but when we saw how refreshing that water looked we gave in and stripped off our clothes, and walked to the water, Bonnie just dove in and I just waded out a little, the water was surprisingly cool, considering how hot the air was, and it made my nipples hard as diamonds. When Bonnie rolled over on her back I could see that her nipples were extended and hard also the coolness of the water having that effect on her.The guys were about chest deep when Bonnie and I met up with then I wanted to duck into the water so my nipples wouldn’t be on such display but Bonnie just stood there proud as could be showing off bahis firmaları for the guys.we swam around the area for nearly and hour and then it was getting close to the time we should be getting back to dress for the banquet that evening.As we walked out of the water we realized we had no towels either but just laughed we would dry quick enough with the heat as high as it was. It was then that I noticed that Stan’s cock was HUGE! It was about 7″ long, and I would say a good 2″ around, and he was still soft, the cold water prevented him from getting hard but, what a cock! Bill’s cock was not as long, nor as fat, but was a classic cock nonetheless. Stan caught me staring at his equipment and said “11 and ¾” But, I call it a foot” I said “You must keep your wife very happy” Stan replied “The Wife, The Principal, and about ½ the female teachers at our school”. After we had redressed and as we were driving back Stan asks bonnie and I if we would like to attend a party after the banquet. I asked how many people do you expect he just shrugged “I don’t know, 10 to 15?” Bonnie and I had no plans so we agreed to meet them at the banquet and we would go party after. When we got back to the room Bonnie stripped right inside the door and made a beeline for the shower, as she was showering, I sat in the side chair and thought about what it would feel like to be fucked by nearly a foot of cock, as I fantasized I could feel my pussy getting wet and I just had to close my eyes and rub my self, I forgot that Bonnie was in the room because before I knew it she was kneeling in front of staring at me masturbating she was gloriously naked, all pink from the warm shower, a towel on her head, and here I was with my skirt up and my hand in my panties. when I opened my eyes there she was less than a foot from my pussy with her hand in her pussy just like I was. I stared at her pussy, all smooth and hairless, I watched as she pushed 3 fingers into her folds. Oh how I wanted to do that for her I tentatively reached for her pussy, pushing her hand out of the way as I felt another woman’s pussy. I drove 3 fingers into her surprisingly tight pussy and then Bonnie tensed up and came a gusher of girl cum all over the carpet in that room. As she was coming down from her orgasm I got up and went to the shower before I started something else. I had a cool shower to make my feeling s subside. When I came out of the shower Bonnie had her dress on and was fixing her make-up. I didn’t say anything I just got into my underwear and then my dress as well. I was brushing my hair when Bonnie stood and asked if I thought her skirt was too short. I looked at that skirt and I told her she had to careful or her underwear would tipobet güvenilir mi show. “No worry about that, I am not wearing any” I laughed so hard I almost peed myself.We went to the banquet and sat through a series of speakers and then when it was over Stan approached us and asked if we were ready to party. We met up with Bill and then went to a room upstairs, It was a suite, with a living room /kitchenette in middle and bedrooms on either side. The music was playing but was not overly loud I looked around the room and there were 6 guys and 4 women and Bonnie and I. everyone was wearing their name tags from the conference, I noticed that the guys all came from the same district and the women except for Bonnie and I were from an adjacent district. I kind of figured that they all knew each other before this. They had an open bar and the drinks were strong and free-flowing. I was involved in a discussion of the “No c***d Left Behind” law when I noticed some people pairing off and going into the bedrooms, I just figured that they were just going to the restroom or something. That thought all of a sudden had my bladder scream with the need to empty so I made my way to the bedroom door. Just as I started to open it there was Stan with a fresh drink in his hand and his other hand on my back asking me if I was going in. “Why yes I am” I replied and turned the knob and I was immediately confronted with 2 couples fucking. The ladies were on their knees getting fucked from behind I could hear their wet pussies being pounded by those cocks, I just froze and watched till as if by some signal the guys stopped, pulled their cocks out and switched places, then without missing a beat drove their cocks home in the others woman.I momentarily forgot that I needed to pee and it wasn’t until Stan placed his arm around me that I snapped back to reality. “I REALLY need to pee” I told him. Stan led me to the bathroom and escorted me inside. I figured he would leave but he said he had to pee too so lets just get this over with. I was shocked when he pulled that cock out of his pants it was so large.I asked if I could hold it while he peed, “Sure you can” he said I held that cock in my hand as the stream of piss flowed out the end, I swear it got longer the more he pissed, my hand would barely go around it and I swear it was hard as Chinese arithmetic. After he peed, he lifted my skirt, pulled down and off my panties, and pushed me down on the seat, and I let my piss flow. All the time that massive cock was bobbing in my face. I reached out and took hold of that magnificent cock and brought it to my lips sucking on just the head because that was all I could fit into my mouth. While bets10 I was sucking him, I felt him undo the buttons on my blouse, and then he unhooked my bra, and was playing with my breasts as I blew him. That lasted till I was finished peeing, then he stood me up, wiped my pussy with a tissue, and flushed the toilet, then unzipped my skirt, and I was naked as the day I was born, he opened the door to the bath and we went back to see the same 2 women getting fucked but it was 2 different guys fucking them. Stan just lead me to the edge of the bed and told me to get on my knees also. I felt that massive cock sliding into my pussy, he went super slow at first I swear I could feel every vein and ripple in his cock. When he had about ½ of his cock in me, I felt like I was going to be split in two he leaned down and asked if I was ready. “Ready for whet” I asked “THIS” was his reply and he shoved the remaining 6 inches of hard cock into my pussy from the rear I cannot describe the pain/pleasure that enveloped me at that moment I knew I would never be the same after but damn he was damn good with it.After a couple seconds to get my breath back he started pounding me and pounding me until I had the first of many orgasms then he pulled out as suddenly as he went in and his cock was replaced by another one not as wide but almost as long the sensations were so good. I was almost ready cum again when the door opens and in walked Bonnie and Bill along with another couple. The 2 couples just stopped and looked, then the guys stripped the ladies and the ladies stripped the guys, next thing I know Bonnie is on the bed next to me with her ass up getting fucked also.The remaining couple came in already naked and we all shifted around on the king size bed to get her room to be ass up face down then the guys were like bees pollinating flowers they would stick their cocks in a woman for a few strokes then pull out and move to the next one in line all 6 women were being fucked by all 6 guys at same time then the guys started having by one the guys deposited their loads in our pussies and then went back to the living room after the last guys shot off and went to the other room I looked over to see Bonnie eating the cum from another woman’s pussy. and at that instant I knew I had to try it also. I rolled over and saw rose with her trimmed snatch oozing cum. I gently licked the white substance draining out of her and finding it had a pleasant flavor eagerly lapped and sucked till she was dry. Then I went to Jane and sucked her to 3 orgasms and ate about a quart of her cum and that that was deposited by the guys. I kept remembering “Whatever happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas” The guys came back and I asked Stan to go alone with me to the other bedroom and he agreed I was fucked so well that I passed out, I vaguely remember the other 5 guys also taking a turn at my ravaged pussy. But it felt so good to be fucked so much. all in all the trip was a screaming success.

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